Our Approach

Code is more than just a career skill. We prepare kids to solve real-world problems.

Inclusive and accessible coding education is our priority. We’re here to open doors.

Kids code with their communities’ support. We help lay foundations for sustainable learning.

Community Highlights

Data and algorithm literacy awareness campaign for young Canadians


Photo by David Boily, Archives la presse

Digital Moment's CEO and Founder, Kate Arthur, signs a letter to support the AI and Data Act (AIDA)

Read our blog

“The students had an amazing time and a few even now declare they want to be coders when they grow up! A fantastic workshop. Thank you!”

- Teacher, Ontario

“I loved everything about coding. I thought it was pretty cool how you program something in a computer and it does everything you say. I love the microbits they’re so cool.”

- Elementary student, BC

“Very engaging [experience] for all my students. They were all on task and enjoyed their afternoon [with KCJ] immensely. ‘That was so fun’ kept coming up. Great program.”

- Teacher, Manitoba

Our Funding Partners

Government of Canada logo
Amazon logo
Ubisoft logo
Canada Council for the Arts logo
Québec - Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation logo
RBC logo
Scale AI logo