"This is our lunar rover. It is used to explore and discover material and objects on the moon.
Energy Source: The energy source is batteries. There are 8 extra batteries on the legs/limbs of the rover if it runs out.
Solar panels: If all batteries run out or a disaster happens, and energy is needed solar power will be the backup.
Sensors: There are two sensors, one is the ultra-sonic sensor, and one is the infrared sensor.
Cameras: There are two cameras one is the Mastcam-Z camera and the other one is a thermal camera.
Light: There is a light under the camera to help the maneuverability of the rover and better quality/clearer photos and videos.
Claw Arms: To pick any artifacts or rocks that can lead to potential info.
Limbs/Legs: Instead of wheels there are durable and lightweight limbs/legs to maneuver around the uneven, rocky surfaces of the moon.
Storage: At the top there are movable panels that open to storage. It is a spacious compartment that can hold multiple samples and objects.
Shovel: Anything that needs to be dug up the shovel arm will aid the process.
Satellite: the satellite is 360 rotatable, it will provide connections and signals from Earth and back.
Micro bit: The micro bit is the IA control of the lunar rover. It will control the all the functions and movements of the components."